The Brunswick Pool Table Cover will fit the following seven-, eight-, and nine-foot antique pocket style Brunswick pool tables. Eight-foot covers will fit eight-foot home size tables, not eight-foot pro size tables. If your table is not in the list below, please contact us to inquire about special ordering a Brunswick pool table cover for your table:
- Acton
- Allenton
- Amherst
- Aristocrat
- Ashbee
- Astoria
- Avalon
- Bayfield
- Bensinger
- Bradford
- Briarwood
- Brookstone
- Cabriole
- Camden
- Conrad
- Cottage Grove
- Cromwell
- Danbury
- Dominion
- Esquire
- Glenwood
- Greenbriar
- Manchester
- Mansfield
- Oakland
- Orleans
- Providence
- Royal Knight
- Scottsdale
- Sheldon
- Sorrento
- Stanford
- Sutton
- Tahoe
- Timberfalls
- Tremont
- Ventura
- Ventura III
- Westcott